October 2011 Our first Math Lab .

Prof Sugata Mitra propounded in his famous “Hole in the Wall experiment” that in a technology-enabled environment, children automatically learn things that they haven't ever been taught. We were greatly inspired by this and wanted to apply this theory to set up an environment in Sree Karpagavalli Vidyalaya where Math Learning would be enabled. We were very particular that this environment should be the primary source of learning , replacing traditional blackboard teaching. The school was very supportive in giving us the freedom to go ahead and so we set up our first ever Math Lab . We named it Karka Math Lab drawing inspiration from Thirukkural. We were excited and the children were even more excited as the Lab became the place for their learning Math at their own pace and time. We put in place several processes for the conduct of the Lab which made student agency and engagement very high. Siz months after operating the new lab, we got our vindication with the student’s performance in Maths dramatically improving. We knew we had achieved something very significant that had an immense potential to scale

Become a Contributor

I wanna learn, powered by Altius Foundation, is created to provide good quality online learning resources for every kind of learner.  I wanna learn, is a movement and we believe that wider participation is crucial for the movement to expand both in quality and quantity of content and also to reach to more learners. The current content has be put together by contributors along with a small core team at our end, We are looking for people who believe in the ideology of providing quality content to learners.
Here are a few ways you can contribute to I wanna learn:

1. Review the current content.
2. We are looking at expanding the current topic – Math – to higher classes.
3. Add new topics – like Science, English, Social and expand the offering
4. Take up translation of the platform in to other languages.
5. Refer schools and individuals to I wanna learn.
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