I wanna learn is all about you and your journey with Mathematics. Here, we have thoughtfully created this world of learning where you can learn Math one tiny skill at a time, at your own pace and time. Grab a notebook and a pencil, spend some time here, be consistent and we guarantee you will not only ace school exams but also fall in love with Math!

About Us
Our story and philosophy is guided by free thinkers like Sri Aurobindo and J.Krishnamurti. Education scientists such as Dr.Sugata Mitra and Sir Ken Robinson have been an inspiration for us in designing and creating I wanna learn.
Empowering learners with the learning tools and belief in their abilities are the core thoughts that drive I wanna learn.

How It Works?
It is our vision to provide free access to quality learning to every learner irrespective of their location or demographic.
To make this possible, we have online and offline versions of I wanna learn.
I wanna learn Dairies

October 2011 Our first Math Lab .
Prof Sugata Mitra propounded in his famous “Hole in the Wall experiment” that in a technology-enabled environment, children automatically learn things that they haven't ever been taught. We were greatly inspired by this and wanted to apply this theory to set up an environment in Sree Karpagavalli Vidyalaya where Math Learning would be enabled. We were very particular that this environment should be the primary source of learning , replacing traditional blackboard teaching. The school was very supportive in giving us the freedom to go ahead and so we set up our first ever Math Lab . We named it Karka Math Lab drawing inspiration from Thirukkural. We were excited and the children were even more excited as the Lab became the place for their learning Math at their own pace and time. We put in place several processes for the conduct of the Lab which made student agency and engagement very high. Siz months after operating the new lab, we got our vindication with the student’s performance in Maths dramatically improving. We knew we had achieved something very significant that had an immense potential to scale
June 2011 – The place where it all began
Can children learn Math on their own by using technology? Khan Academy and Sal Khan certainly seemed to think so. We decided to try it as an experiment and Sree Karpagavalli Vidyalaya, a government-aided school in Mylapore run by our friend Mr. Gopalan was willing to let us try. For a month we worked with three 6th grade children in the school who volunteered for the trial. Each of the three had very different levels of ability as far as Maths was concerned. To our surprise, what we found was that all three improved in relation to their respective abilities. The Child who was extremely weak in the subject showed extreme commitment and engagement to learning in spite of his difficulty. The child who found Maths a breeze could easily learn topics that had not been taught in class . We knew we were onto something exciting. The next step would be to see how we can introduce this to the children.

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We try to measure every tangible impact I wanna learn has on both the learner as well as the learning environment. This section reflects our impact so far, based on the data we have chosen to capture.

I wanna learn has been designed to facilitate self paced learning for every kind of learner. To this end, we have provided content for almost all Indian Boards in English and we are working towards providing vernacular content.
The platform has been designed in a manner that encourages learning and not test the learners ability. I wanna learn is designed and developed through the eyes of the learner, making it a learner centric platform.
Our Contributors
I wanna learn roots go back to 2011 when we began our journey to discover tech based and self paced learning solutions. The quest started with one school in Mylapore and led to the birth of Karka Math Labs which were set up in thirty schools across Tamil Nadu over the nine years.
Needless to say, this journey would not have been possible but for our inspirations and huge support and collaborations along the way.

Khan Academy and Sal Khan for being huge inspiration for our mission and the support in the form of amazing content that is largely responsible for the learning spine of I wanna learn holding strong.

Prof Sugata Mitra and his TED Talk that inspired us to set up our version of a SOLE (Self organised learning environments) in the form of Math Labs where learning can happen!

Bhoomika Trust, who have been a constant source of support to set up labs in Government schools and run them sustainably.

Palayam Foundation, USA for the generous grants that have funded the development cost of the platform and for supporting running of Math Lab environments.

Urjita, who have been an amazing source of strength for us to expand the Math labs across schools and to give us the confidence to dream big.

Vetrivel Foundation for providing the vernacular content in Tamil of Khan Academy videos.

Dozens of Volunteers and Interns who have worked on developing and testing the content.

Mr Gopalan, the administrator of Sri Karpagavalli Vidyalaya, Mylapore, who believed in us and let us set up and run our first Math Lab.
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2 years ago
Our team attended the recent International ReactNexus Conference in #Bangalore.
An amazing two-day conference with 30+ talks on #React and #ReactNative with over 650 #developers coming together!
P.S. Siamers never miss an opportunity to get better at what they do.
#2023 #upskill #internationalconference …
2 years ago
Got great products to build and a successful business to run?
Always know Siam Computing is there.
Get in touch with our Product Strategy and Consulting Team: siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#productdevelopment #businesssuccess #harrypotter #harrypotterworld #Lumos #spells #wizardingworldofharrypotter #appdevelopment #androiddeveloper #androiddevelopment #iosdevelopment #muggles …
2 years ago
In the healthcare domain, the need for innovation and advancement has to be fulfilled before it is actually felt. It is an essential prerequisite considering its absence threatens human life itself.
As far as Indian hospitals are concerned, the strive towards much needed technological advancement is fuelled by potential for global excellence but is constrained by legacy systems that do not stand up to the demands of modern healthcare providers.
We have aided the quest for global excellence for leading healthcare providers by simplifying their digital transformation journeys from legacy systems. If you aspire to offer world class patient experiences and gain a competitive edge in the healthcare market, get in touch with us today.
➡️ Get in touch with us for curating digitally enabled superior patient experiences without the shackles of legacy limitations: siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#healthcare #healthtech #hospitals #healthynation #fitnation #ayushmanbharat #india #digitaltransformation #health #softwaredevelopment …
2 years ago
A very Happy International Women in Engineering Day from all of us at Siam Computing.
We salute these warriors for their contributions towards making the society a better place with lasting imprints on great products. Here’s to your spirit of innovation and advancement for using technology as an enabler to build a better future!
#internationalwomeninengineeringday #womenengineers #femaleengineer #tech #womenintech #womenintechnology #genderequality #society #engineers #women #innovation #change #womeninengineering #technology #laravel #frontend #mobileapp #python …
2 years ago
Product Thinking Edition 4 begins today.
Being lifelong learners is a way of life at Siam and we can’t keep calm for this awesome learning journey to begin. Product Thinking is an experience in itself that Siamers look forward to. Thanks to our amazingggg CEO, Khuze Siam for curating these power-packed learning sessions so thoughtfully and making sure we have fun while we think, learn and have the best conversations together!
Here’s to the exciting 12 week journey ahead! Stay tuned for more updates.
#productthinking #learning #fun #productdevelopment #teamgrowth #learning #development …
2 years ago
Happy International Yoga Day from all of us at Siam Computing!
#InternationalYogaDay #internationalyogaday2023 #InternationalDayofYoga #softwaredevelopment #agile #developers #tersters #engineers #productmanagement …
2 years ago
Have you ever watched a film and felt frustrated by the lack of a well-written script or proper direction?
Imagine if your product development process was just as chaotic, experiencing constant delays and exceeding the planned budget. The main culprit behind such disarray is often the absence of a well-defined product roadmap.
We’ve worked with founders for over a decade and helped them avoid these pitfalls to approach product development with much needed clarity. In this blog, we share learnings from our experience with you.
Link to the blog: siamcomputing.com/product_development/essential-guide-for-crafting-a-great-product-roadmap/
#productroadmap #productdevelopment #productmanagement #startups #founders #UserResearch #softwaredevelopment #developer #productvision …
2 years ago
Mobile apps for patients are at the forefront of transforming how patients and healthcare providers interact with each other.
Right from ensuring a smooth patient experience to providing an inclusive hospital space that takes the caregivers’angst into account, healthcare mobile apps open up a window of opportunities for healthcare providers in the face of quickly evolving user needs across generations.
Read the full blog here : siamcomputing.com/product_development/mobile-apps-for-patients-a-revolution-in-healthcare/
Get in touch with us for creating digitally enabled superior patient experiences: siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#healthcare #healthtech #AyushmanBharat #digitalindia #digitaltransformation #mobileapps #patientexperience #HealthyNation #fit #india #softwaredevelopment #softwaresolutions #productdeveloper #productdevelooment #fitnessapp …
2 years ago
🎉Introducing our game-changing GTP Batch to the world! 🚀
"Just out of college and already building mind-blowing products with the coolest mentors at Siam! :mortar_board: Me and my squad are taking the tech world by storm! 💥"
We’re all about empowering young talent, watching them grow into professionals who solve problems that make a dent in the world. This chapter is just getting started, so stay tuned for some serious awesomeness! 🌟
#GraduateTrainingProgram #GTP4 #SiamGTP #GTP4Squad #TechGeniusesInTheMaking #UnleashingTheFuture #career #careergoals #careerdevelopment #guidance #mentorship #workexperience #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork …
2 years ago
Dear Founders, ready for another BINGO?
If you’re chasing at least 5 of the pink boxes in your dreams, we assure you, you’re ready for an APPGRADE.
Get in touch with our Product Strategy and Consulting Team and say goodbye to these grey nightmares forever: siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#apps #mobile #mobileapps #appdevelopment #appdevelopmentservices #androiddevelopment #iosdevelopment #androidapps #apple #productmanagement #productdevelopment #softwaredevelopment #softwaredeveloper …
2 years ago
Hello dear Founders! Got a minute to play this Bingo?
Nothing like getting your priorities right while taking the biggest leap of your life. Calculate your Bingo score and we’ll be a call away to make sure you tick yes for all the pink boxes.🤗🫡
✅Get in touch with our Product Strategy and Consulting Team: siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#appdevelopment #appdevelopmentservices #android #androiddevelopment #productmanagement #ios #iosdevelopment #androidapps #iosapp #businesssuccess #founders …
2 years ago
In product management, much like in life, it’s all about taking the right step at the right time.
Yours Truly,
Childhood companion Yo-yo.
P.S. Get in touch with us for winning the game with great products – siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#nationalyoyoday #yoyotricks #yoyo #productdevelopment #productmanagement #softwaredevelopment #software #engineer #developers #techexperts …
2 years ago
Presenting DiaQR, the Best AI/ML Solution at the MIT Hacking Medicine Grand Hack 2023 to the world.
DiaQR is our CTO’s genius solution to combat Diabetic Foot Ulcers. It empowers mankind to take charge of their health narratives and work towards a healthier, happier, and subsequently diabetes -free future. It is his ode to life through the use of technology. This is his brilliant stroke of innovation, compassion for fellow humans, and informed use of technology to make the world a better place.
You can read more about the award-winning solution and our CTO’s way to success at the prestigious event from his article on our website.
Link to the article: siamcomputing.com/product_development/diaqr-our-award-winning-ai-ml-healthtech-solution-at-mit-gr…
#healthcare #healthtech #healthy #nation #diabetes #hackathon #productdevelopment #artificialintelligence …
2 years ago
Hackathons are exactly the parties we love!
Our CTO nailed the MIT Hacking Medicine Grand Hack 2023 and our hearts swell with pride to share this with you. Our CTO, Murugesh Pandian, with his diverse team, got an award for the "Best AI/ML Solution" and finished in the Top 3 in the @mithackmed. His win is testament to the way we apply tech to solve problems and make the world a better place, one product at a time- grounded in empathy, keeping the user first, using technology as an enabler to add value to the lives we lead. It is the dream of every product maker to build products with a lasting impact for humanity and our CTO lived that dream in absolute technicolor this last weekend. We are proud of you.
#mit #healthtech #digitaltransformation #technology #hackathon #winners #2023 …
2 years ago
APPGRADE, the need of the hour for taking your #idea from a few to many.
While this may seem like a huge leap, our in-house #Product Genies come to your rescue to simplify this process for you to make the desired #impact.
Here are some of the concerns that you can bid farewell to while working with us:
🙅♀️ An app that no one likes.
🙅♂️ Unreasonable or unexpected time overruns for building your app.
🙅♀️Loss of control due to lack of tech knowledge.
➡️Get in touch with our Product Strategy and Consulting Team to see the magic of these genies come to life : siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
#apps #mobileappdevelopment #mobileapp #android #androidappdevelopment #androidappdevelopmentcompany #iosapp #iosappdevelopment #appdevelopers #softwaredevelopment #techexperts #solutions #businessideas #digitaltransformation …
2 years ago
The search for the best talent is back on! 😎 Come meet us for a walk-in interview this Friday. Join our team and let’s engineer possibilities together! 🙌🏼
Date: June 2nd, Friday
Time: 10 AM – 5 PM
Register here – bit.ly/siamhiring
#freshersjob #freshershiring #freshers2023 #freshersvacancy #jobs2023 …
2 years ago
We are thrilled to announce that our CTO is participating in the prestigious MIT Hacking Medicine Grand Hack . Aimed at solving healthcare problems through healthcare innovation, we were drawn to the event given our love for problems and vision of being at the forefront of new age products shaping our lives. We look forward to sharing more from this event. Stay tuned!
#MIT #mithackmed #healthtech #digitaltransformation #healthcare …
2 years ago
It’s time to transform the way you do business to have all you have envisioned for it come to life. Graduate from an expert in your field to a digital business owner to unleash your expertise to its fullest potential. Sounds great, right? And for all the right reasons too.
In the time and effort you put into endless manual follow ups, #reminders, and #notifications you just can’t #snooze, you can:
✅Get better visibility
✅Impact a wider user base
✅Gain more satisfied (and loyal) #customers
✅Generate greater revenue for desired business growth
✅Beat competition with evident results.
What are you waiting for? Thousands like you have taken the leap to make an impact on billions.
➡️Get in touch with our Product Strategy and Consulting experts : siamcomputing.com/product-development/product-strategy-and-consulting/
And productify your #expertise to get the best results.
#appdevelopment #appdeveloper #productdevelopment #businesssuccess #apps #mobileappdevelopment #mobileapp #MobileApplicationDevelopment …
Siam Computing updated their cover photo.
3 years ago
Siam Computing updated their cover photo.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Here is the live feed of our 7th edition of Lunch and Learn 🥰🤩 …
Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Here is the live feed of our 6th edition of Lunch & Learn 😍 Let’s hear from the great legends how they hustled to achieve their goal 🤩 …
Siam Computing was live — at Siam Computing.
6 years ago
Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Long wait is over! Here is the live stream of our Lunch & Learn 5th edition. Rock stars Mr. Prabhagaran Rakkiappan & Jeevan Siva are here to give you a creative session on Colours & Typography. Watch it 😍 …
Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Dushyanth Gunashekar is here to tell you something about 🎬 …
Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Energetic charm Ms. Latha is here to tell you how you should tell stories 🎬 …
Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
Stay tuned for our live streaming of Lunch & Learn 3rd edition 🎬 …
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
6 years ago
And here goes the first session live!
Let the games begin! Take – 1
#LunchnLearn #KnowledgeSessions …
Siam Computing added a new photo — at Siam Computing.
6 years ago
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7 years ago
James Gosling, at Sun Labs, around 1992; the group was building a set-top box and started by “cleaning up” C++ and wound up with a new language and run-time. …
Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
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Siam Computing was live.
7 years ago
7 years ago
Want to start a project with us? Let’s get in touch today!
bit.ly/2FwWaYo …
7 years ago
You got to start early to reap early benefits.
Get in touch bit.ly/2FwWaYo …
7 years ago
The way companies are using exit intent pop-ups today is changing to be less intrusive and a lot more valuable, so make sure you’re adapting. …
7 years ago
A coder is clearly instructed on what should be done and what needs to be accomplished. But as a programmer, you must be able to imagine a broad set of solutions to a problem before you even start writing codes. …
7 years ago
Most website visitors just ignore the sidebars. So, it’s better to keep that area clean. …
7 years ago
7 years ago
Web designers should create their own style guide or get a published style guide available online. It helps you keep your design uniform. #DesignTips …
7 years ago
Consider us just like a virtual tech team of your company. Let’s start today!
bit.ly/2FwWaYo …
7 years ago
Your single purpose will get people in the door. Rest of your offerings will be visible to them gradually. …
7 years ago
7 years ago
Viruses, worms, and trojans are all types of malware. You should be careful online, and avoid accidentally downloading malware! …
7 years ago
As a startup, you don’t need all the bells and whistles of a giant corporation. Focus on your main proposition first. #StartupTip …
7 years ago
7 years ago
It’s essentially the map of your website that displays the core places users can visit.
#WebsiteDesign …
7 years ago
Make one idea successfully work, and then decide whether you want to take on another venture. #Startuptips …
7 years ago
Make one idea successfully work, and then decide whether you want to take on another venture. #Startuptips …
7 years ago
7 years ago
An e-mail website, for example, is made with three programming languages: CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
So cool, isn’t it? …
7 years ago
Your website will be judged by the first look and images will play a strong role. So, pick wisely.
#WebsiteDesign #DesignTips …
7 years ago
Your app must be designed for minimal use of the keyboard and make as much of the user experience as possible touch-based.
Type YES if you agree!
#MobileApp #AppDevelopment #ProductDevelopment
bit.ly/2Eu24JI …
We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness
-Sir Ken Robinson